I am not mind

but I experience it !

Pleasures are not Happiness


We are made of biological bodies. Bodies made of biological sensors. We were told we have five senses. Those five senses are in our body parts.

  1. Vision through our eyes
  2.  Smell through our nose
  3.  Listen through our ears
  4.  Taste through our tongue
  5. Touch through our skin

We experience whole world through these five senses.  When world gets in touch with our senses, we experience the world.

We choose to listen to a song,  which is pleasure to us. Does my ear simply capture sound or they listening ?. We know, ears are needed for listening but they do not listen, we listen. When sound meets the ear, ear generates the sound sensations, which are interpreted by our mind. That completes the listening. if anything broken in this process, listening does not exist.  When mind wander while listening, you are not listening, but sound may exist.  When our ears does not capture sound, your are not listening, but sound may exist.

We entirely depend on our senses to experience the sensations generated by them. We categorize these senses as what we like and what we do not like. Visual sense is more tricky, the moment we see something, sensations arise reaches the mind, vision establishes.

Pleasant sensations are not happiness,  unpleasant sessions are not un happiness. But we decide to categorize that way, how we decide it? We decide it through what our mind says.  Which is 6th intangible sensor we poses, the MIND.

  6. Experience through our MIND.

All 5 sensors are nothing, with out 6th sensor interpreting them and concluding logically. Mind also passes suggestions on our reaction by creating pleasant or unpleasant sensations to rest of body.  Just the way our biological senses reacts to particular sensations from outside world, we react to our own mind reactions. In a way mind is our primary sensor, that is why we all  believe 5 senses are working perfectly in our dream,  even though they are shut down during our sound sleep. Mind can recreate the exact sensations needed to believe we are listening, we are seeing in our dreams.  This special nature of mind makes us to believe that we are the mind.

Happiness does not need any sensations to experience, when all sensations seize  to exist in our mind, what is left is Happiness.   Just the way we can not experience music without having some degree of silence between notes, we can not experience sensations without having some degree of happiness in between them. When we do not have enough degree of silence between notes, music becomes noise. When we do not have enough awareness to see the happiness between all sensations, we seems to lose happiness.

When we believe temporary as permanent, we try to chase them in our entire life. We depend on our pleasure sensations to avoid or get away from painful sensations. In the end we deceive our selves, believe pleasure is happiness. We forgot to look into our self, understand what we made of. We are not our mind, we are not our sensors, we are not sensations, we are what left, when we take out mind, look beyond it, that is what we are. That is pure happiness.  You will not find it outside, we will only find inside, since your are that ultimate happiness.

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